This is, after all, what they do here. I was headed to my first boonie stomp, which is exactly what it sounds like.
You go to the boonies,
you stomp,
walk past the remnants of latte stones,
go through a little bit of jungle,
occasionally grapple,
and hopefully make your way to some kind of particularly gorgeous piece of sort-of-unspoiled wilderness,
where you take off your clothes and sit in the falls to cool off for a while.
On the way back, we were accosted by some friendly kids living in the housing just at the mouth of the trail. They asked me to take their pictures - and offered me some sugar cane. One of the older boys wielded a machete and passed out the treat to the other kids. They showed me how to peel it down, and then bite down and suck out the juices. They also asked me when I was coming back - which I thought was a funny question.
But, maybe they're friends with all the hikers. At any rate, if I can ever figure out how to get to the trail on my own, I might go back and interview them for the kids' publication I used to work for in New York.
For now, I thought I'd post their pictures. Because these kids were sort of adorable.
Wow, you went hiking, huh? Maybe it's just because you've been in the wilds of New York for so long (ok, 5 years, but that's forever in your 20's), but I somehow have a hard time picturing you hiking. What other strange island habits will you pick up? (Aside from sucking sugar cane, that is). I suspect that on this particular island, hunting for exotic knock-off products at the uber-mall is more likely than anything involving grass skirts or coconut shells. Then again, if you really want to convince the boyfriend to come to Guam...