Thursday, November 4, 2010

What I've been doing for the past week/month

I was going to write something about the last week's local election. But I'm currently too tired, so here's a photo gallery of campaigning from election day -- which pretty much captures the essence of what I would say anyway.

I'll write more when I can form a coherent sentence.

1 comment:

  1. My first thought when I saw the Guiterrez-Aguon team posters was that it was an add for gay marriage. Then I realized that they're just both standing in suits trying to look gubernatorial. But the campaign sign in the last picture makes me wonder--are they holding hands? I can't imagine the uproar if two mainland, male candidates had a poster like that in the US. (Even assuming they're not gay, it is striking because men are so paranoid about physical contact here, unless of course they're swatching each other's asses on a sports field). Nice to see islanders seem to be less uptight.
