Tuesday, June 5, 2012

In transit

This is the first and only Transit of Venus I will see in my lifetime.

(Photos compliments of a rickety tripod and my dad's broken welder goggles).


  1. It was pretty awesome to see. I was surprised to find out that it also happened in 2004. I wonder why I hadn't heard about it then.

  2. I know, right?

    I keep wondering what I was doing in 2004 that I missed it. I think I was riding the subway crying about being heartbroken, working at a bookstore, being 23 or, or whatever. At least I didn't miss it this time around.

  3. it might not have been visible in North America last time. plus, you didn't have those broken welder goggles ;)

  4. Dude, this is awesome. I do remember hearing about it the last time, but I certainly didn't have welder glasses or a cool enough camera. How much zoom did this require?

  5. I just used my 300 mm zoom lens dad bought me in college. Very useful for mug shots of politicians during legislative hearings, and apparently, the Transit of Venus.
