I went to Saipan, like, a month and a half ago, but didn't bother posting any photos. I meant to, but the whole moving across the Pacific got in the way.
Most of what I saw were places off which people jumped/committed horrible suicide. There were also some mind-bogglingly tacky (even for Guam) tourist shops, and birds/beaches/jungle.
Here are some photos:
The first notable site we visited was "Banzai Cliff." Cheerily named because a bunch of Japanese families living on Saipan threw themselves (and their children) off the cliffs during World War II, when the American invasion was imminent. This was by far the most crowded of the sites we saw in our two-day Micronesian jaunt. Above: Japanese tourists take photos at sunset. |
More Banzai Cliff. There were a lot of nice Buddha statues. This place also had that sort of haunted feeling. Apparently there are white birds that roost on the cliffs, allegedly (love that word) carrying the souls of the dead. |
More Buddha. |
Having lived on Guam for so long, where trash is left in all sorts of inappropriate spots, I was at first annoyed to see all the open bottles of water. And then I realized, oh wait, offerings. Sorry guys. |
A view from Banzai Cliff. It should be noted that all that cliff stuff is made of coral, sharp razor coral. |
Which brings me to Suicide Cliff. Some ways up from Banzai Cliff is the aptly named Suicide Cliff. Japanese soldiers jumped off the cliff, otherwise did away with themselves at this spot as the U.S. forces pushed them farther and farther up this hill as they invaded. |
Also, a very long way down. |
Buddha and sunlight on Suicide Cliff. |
This is just this really cool place called "the Grotto" where a bunch of rushing waves hit the rocks in this big cave, and then create a somewhat calm pool at the mouth of the cave. |
Bird Island Sanctuary. All the birds died sometime after the war, when the brown tree snake at them all. Apparently they can't swim. And thus, there are still birds in this one place. |
From above. |
Sunset. The end. |
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