For now, it's convenient; I'm sure at some point it will become like some sort of gratingly familiar race track. But, again, I can find my way back to my hotel, so it's working for now.
I did find the micronesian mall, which looks like a mall from the outside but seems to only sell things people don't need. And by people, I mean Japanese tourists. I actually parked in a lot with these huge parking spaces, and thought I was in some kind of weird world of giants until I read the sign that said the whole lot was dedicated to Japanese tourist buses. I guess any tourist buses, really, but the Japanese are the only ones who bother visiting Guam. At any rate, they had stores selling fur coats and puffy jackets, and those little cheap knick knacks, and a Macy's, and a "Fiesta Court" with a bunch of horrible fast food restaurants, which, to be fair, may be for the locals as well.
I also found the beach, which isn't hard. I actually drive past this incredibly aquamarine blue beach every morning that I'm sure was once prime real estate on the island. Someone had the brilliant idea of building a giant highway on most of the bay though, so instead there are only a few abandoned parking areas and steps leading down to the beach.
Alas, further investigation proves otherwise.
Apparently everything within 400 yards of this sign is infected with some sort of bacteria, which makes the beach somewhat hazardous, and empty.